Krasna stran, tudi za blogerje, ne le novinarje, hvala Ermin! Kar nerodno mi je, da doslej nisem vedel zanjo, ampak kaj morem.
Požrl sem tole
New Media, Web 2.0, or whatever you want to call it, is powered by the people for the people. Join them or be ignored. (If you have any doubts about this, just take a look at the latest controversy stirred up by the cell phone videos of the Saddam Hussein execution.
preskočivši obilico vsebovanih povezav pristal na razpravi, še kako aktualni tudi na tukajšnjih poldnevnikih
But, as the Supreme Court has said, a free press isn’t an angelic press, a nice press. But the alternative of having no press is much worse. The answer to correcting wrong speech is more speech, not less speech.
in nato ugotovil, da je najbolje dodati med stalne povezave te strani.
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